Sunday, October 12, 2008

Color My World

Do you remember the very popular color olive green from the 1970's? It became the color kiwi green in the early 2000's. The home fashion industry is constantly exploring and reinventing color trends. Shades on the color wheel are tweaked, twisted, tinted and reintroduced as the home fashion industry moves forward every season. It is what we do to keep our industry fresh and dynamic.

I once heard color described as food for our emotions. Whether or not we are aware of it, color evokes an emotional response in all of us. Most of us know that warm colors (like red) can be energizing and cool colors (like blue) invoke a feeling of tranquility. When I work with people helping them to choose fabrics for their homes, I find they have a definite expressive response to certain colors. And of course in business, it makes perfect sense for a restaurant to use daffodil yellow in their decor while a better color for a day spa would be seamist blue.

Before you embark on your decorating project, think not only about the function and activities of your rooms, but about your own reaction to the colors in your design plan. Let's take a brief spin around the color wheel;

Red - energy, power, passion, strength, excitement
Orange - joy, enthusiam, creativity, fun, happiness
Yellow - warmth, spontiniety, cheerfullness, optimism
Green - harmony, growth, safety, freshness, healing, stability
Blue - tranquility, confidence, calmness, trust, sincerity
Purple - luxury, romance, sophistication, dignity, mystery

Most of all, whatever colors you choose to surround yourself with, they should please you every time you walk into your room!